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The Field component is a wrapper used to connect a form control it to its parent Form component. Basics of Field are as follows:

  1. Pass it a required name prop to link it to a value in your form values. name can be a String that corresponds to an Object property in your form values, or a Number that corresponds to an Array index within your form values.
  2. Pass it a required component prop to define its rendered output. component may the tagName of a form control element (e.g. "input", "textarea") or a Functional or Class Component.
  3. Pass it an optional init prop to give it a default initial value in the form.


Field is a top-level export of super-controls.

// ES Module syntax
import { Field } from 'super-controls'

// CommonJS Module syntax
const { Field } = require('super-controls')
<!-- UMD property -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/super-controls/umd/super-controls.js"></script>
  const { Field } = SuperControls

<Field/> props

The following props can be passed to the Field component.

name: (String|Number) required

The name prop passed to Field is used to determine the position of its value in the form state. name is not written in any special syntax, it is simply a key corresponding to an Object property (String) or Array index (Number). The nesting of a Field's value in the form state is determined by its nesting in the component tree. For nested Field values, reference the documentation for the FieldSet and FieldArray components.

component: (Component|Function|String) required

The component prop defines the control to be rendered by the Field. This can be an element tagName (e.g. "input", "textarea"), a stateless Functional Component, or a stateful Class Component.

init: Any optional

The initial value of the Field's control. If the parent Form component has already been initialized with a value for the Field, this prop is ignored.

id: (String|Boolean) optional

The id attribute used for the Field's control element. If id is a String, it will be merged as-is into the Field's control model. However, if id is true, the control model will be given an id property equal to the Field's name prop. This helps cut down on repetitive markup used to link label elements to form controls in otherwise concise Field elements.

type: String optional

Primarily used to determine whether a control is "checkable". This prop is merged into the Field's control model.

validate: (value, allValues) -> error optional

A synchronous validation Function. validate is passed the value of the Field and all values in the form. validate should return a truthy result if the Field's value is invalid. A simple pattern is to return a non-empty String error message, but the result's type is arbitrary and the Field will be treated as invalid so long as the result is truthy.

notify: (value, allValues) -> notice optional

A synchronous notification Function. notify is passed the value of the Field and all values in the form. notify should return a truthy result if the Field's value is note-worthy. A simple pattern is to return a non-empty String "warning" or "success" message, but the result's type is arbitrary.

format: value -> formatted optional

A Function that formats the value from the form state before it is rendered by the Field. Typically used to compute a String representation of the value (e.g. Date or Number) before it is rendered into a control. If omitted, the value is passed along unmodified.

parse: formatted -> parsed optional

A Function that parses the new, formatted value of the Field's control before it is sent to the form state. Typically used to preserve the data type (e.g. Date or Number) of the value in the form state when it was rendered into a control as a String. If omitted, the value is passed along unmodified.

override: (parsed, allValues) -> overridden optional

A Function that overrides the new, parsed value of the Field before it is sent to the form state. Typically used to enforce constraints on the value such as range or referential integrity checks. If omitted, the value is passed along unmodified.

<Field component/> props

The following props are passed to a Field's component prop.

control: Object

A form control model including element attributes and event listeners. Can be conveniently spread into a form control element's props.

control.name: (String|Number)

The name prop passed to the Field.

control.value: Any optional

The formatted value of the Field in the form. If the parent Form component was not initialized with a value for the Field, then control.value will start as the Field's init prop. If the parent Form component was not initialized with a value for the Field and no init prop was passed to the Field, then control.value will start as an empty String. This property is omitted if the Field has a type prop of "checkbox".

control.onChange: event -> undefined

A callback Function that handles change events to update the Field's value in the form. Triggers the Field's validate and notify functions.

control.onFocus: event -> undefined

A callback Function that handles focus events to set the currently focused field in the form and record that the Field has been visited.

control.onBlur: event -> undefined

A callback Function that handles blur events to record whether the Field has been touched and unset the currently focused field in the form. Triggers the Field's validate and notify functions.

control.type: String optional

The type prop passed to Field.

control.checked: Boolean optional

Present if the Field is of type "checkbox" or "radio".

field: Object

A field model containing the current state of the Field in the parent Form component.

field.name: (String|Number)

The name prop that was passed to the Field.

field.init: Any

The init prop passed to the Field or the superseding initial value in its parent Form component.

field.value: Any

The current value of the Field in the form.

field.error: Any

The truthy value returned from the Field's validate prop the last time it was called. Otherwise null.

field.notice: Any

The truthy value returned from the Field's notify prop the last time it was called. Otherwise null.

field.isFocused: Boolean

true if the Field currently has focus.

field.isVisited: Boolean

true if the Field has ever had focus.

field.isTouched: Boolean

true if the Field's control has ever fired a blur event.

field.isDirty: Boolean

true if the Field's current value does not deeply equal its initial value.

field.isPristine: Boolean

The opposite of isDirty.

field.isValid: Boolean

true if field.error is truthy.

field.isInvalid: Boolean

The opposite of isValid.


The props passed to the Field not specified in <Field/> props are forwarded to your component at the same level as the control model and field model props.


The Field component is a wrapper used to connect a control it to its parent Form. A Field must be rendered within a Form's component tree.

Rendering an Element by Type

<Form name='login'>
  <Field name='username' component='input' type='text'/>
  <Field name='password' component='input' type='password'/>
<form name="login">
  <input type="text" name="username" value=""/>
  <input type="password" name="password" value=""/>

Rendering a Component

function CustomInput({ field, control, label, ...props }) {
  return (
    <div className='form-group'>
      <label htmlFor={control.id}>{ label }</label>
      <input {...control} {...props} className='form-control'/>

<Form name='signup'>
    label='Enter your email'
<form name="signup">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="email">Enter your email</label>

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